Quick grid export for Excel, CSV, HTML, XML, LaTeX, Wiki markup, PHP, Markdown, JSON.sql file, another database, or to a different server Provides special editors for fields with various data types: text, date/time, enum, set, binary.Edit columns, indexes and foreign keys of tables.Browse through databases and tables, views, procedures and triggers.HeidiSQL focuses on simple structure editing and grid based data editing, but also has some advanced features: Also supports MySQL, MariaDB, MS SQL Server and SQLite. HeidiSQL is a lightweight Windows desktop application with support for PostgreSQL since 2015.

Direct editing in the results view, query results explanation.Syntax highlight, autocomplete, current and selection query execution and explain, line numbering and working statement detection.Taskbar with multi-task monitoring support.Jump bar for quick objects selection and navigation.

Assistant info views for Object information, Actions, Help, and Documentation.