Fire Blast「ファイアブラスト Faia Burasuto」: Produces balls of fire which explode upon contact with the target.Fire Arrow「ファイアアロー Faia Aroo」: Shoots a fiery arrow at the target.Firewall「ファイアウォール Faia Uooru」: Creates a highly concentrated wall of fire which can burn out magical and physical attacks which attempt to cross it.Anti-Firestorm: Nullifies the Firestorm spell.Firestorm「ファイアストーム Faia Sutoomu」: Summons a flaming tornado.Firefloor「ファイアフロアー Faia Furoaa」: Summons intense flames within the range and area specified by the caster.Anyone who is poorly hidden within the area is incinerated. Fireflash「ファイアフラッシュ Faia Furasshu」: Reveals any enemies hidden by concealment magic within the area of the spell.Fire「ファイア Faia」: Summons a small flame of fire in the caster's hands.Anti-Hellfire: Nullifies the Hellfire spell.Hellfire「ヘルファイア Heru Faia」: Summons balls of fire which fly towards the target at a high speed.The "Spite" in the name is a mistranslation of the magic tier, Zweite. Spite Bamboo Spike「バンブースパイク Banbuu Supaiku」: Summons massive poles of bamboo which skewers the enemy.Rock Blast「ロックブラスト Rokku Burasuto」: Summons a mass of boulders to shoot at the target.Earth Reverse「アースリバース Aasu Ribaasu」: This spell mixes the content within the ground, causing buried objects to be ejected into the air.Earth Hammer「アースハンマー Aasu Hanmaa」: The user creates an earthen hammer for melee combat.Diamond Missile「ダイヤミサイル Daiya Misairu」: Shoot a large diamond spike at the target.Bamboo Claw「バンブークロー Banbuu Kuroo」: Summons a massive stalk of bamboo which shoots from the ground.Earth Hole「アースホール Aasu Hooru」: Creates a hole in the ground in front of the caster.

Please note that magic spells, Hengen Muso, and skills are different types of techniques. This page will attempt to list and describe all known spells and techniques.

Within the universe of The Rising of the Shield Hero is a hard magic system with multiple categories and systems of magic.