Kabura seems to suggest that a born vampire may age differently since bitten vampires are frozen in time. Kabura is shocked to find Nazuna at a location given to her on a note because she is completely identical to her mother, yet no older than around 4 years, possibly, unable to speak or feed herself, fully grown, calling into question her exact age. Nazuna's mother was the one that turned Kabura. Nazuna was dumped on Kabura by Nazuna's mother after her death giving birth. Kabura was forced, begrudgingly, to raise Nazuna and that she believes this discrepancy regarding her life cycle has something to do with her parents being a human and vampire. Nazuna's life cycle is also not understood as revealed by Kabura. She mentions her embarrassment with not being an older more classical vampire. She assumes that she has been around 30 to 40 years. Thanks in part to this mystery, Nazuna does not know her exact age. It is later shown that Nazuna's existence is a mystery to everyone involved. She is very shy when it comes to love and gets embarrassed easily, but enjoys lewd jokes and teasing Ko.
Nazuna Nanakusa ( 七草ナズナ, Nanakusa Nazuna) Voiced by: Sora Amamiya (Japanese) Natalie Rial (English) A "night-walker." She encounters Ko on his night out, then offers to stay with him at an abandoned building to free himself of his worries, where she then sucks his blood as he sleeps. Anko mentions that this is all speculation at this point due to Ko and Nazuna's mere existence, that of which being Nazuna's having been born from a vampire and a human, and Ko's half-vampire transition. Anko also believes that by entering this half-state repeatedly, Ko's vampire half will eventually take over his human half, or that as his love develops for Nazuna, the transition will complete. Ko learns that slight pain, as small as an ear piercing, can activate the state as-well, Anko later gives Ko an ear piercing kit so that he can help in defending the group from increasing threats that begin to develop. This half-vampire state seems to be dependant on emotional or physical distress at first beginning happening as soon as blood is drawn either by blood-sucking or attack. It is later revealed that as he begins to develop more emotionally, he can enter into a half-vampire state. Ko is trying to fall in love with Nazuna in order to become a vampire and leave his human life. To reinvigorate himself, he slips out at night to walk the streets. This results in Ko wanting to be a vampire as well, but in order to achieve his goal he must first fall in love with her.Ĭharacters Main Ko Yamori ( 夜守コウ, Yamori Kō) Voiced by: Gen Satō (Japanese) Gabriel Regojo, Katelyn Barr (young) (English) A fourteen-year old boy in his second year of junior high, who slowly finds himself unable to sleep because of his dissatisfying life. He encounters a girl named Nazuna Nanakusa, a vampire who shows Ko the joys of being a night-walker. Unable to sleep or find true satisfaction in his daily life, Ko Yamori stops going to school and begins wandering the streets at night.